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Membership Services

Becoming a Member

MCOA is a non-profit organization made up of member airports and associates dedicated to providing services and operating the state airports in the safest and most efficient way possible.  MCOA is an “assistance and information resource center” providing a forum for the members to insure they have access to and are kept informed on “state of the art” technologies in airport funding, maintenance, and operations.

Benefits of Being A Member 

Your membership in MCOA offers many benefits.
  • MCOA works hand-in-hand with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), Office of Aeronautics to identify and resolve potential airport problems.
  • MCOA has a library of resources, specifications, and information available to you.
  • MCOA provides strong leadership and a voice listened to at the state legislature to insure sufficient airport funding is available.
  • MCOA (in partnership with the Office of Aeronautics, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Minnesota Business Aviation Association (MBAA), and vendor support) plans and hosts the annual Minnesota Airports Conference providing you with the opportunity to share ideas and concerns with other airports and vendors in a congenial, learning environment.
  • MCOA provides guidance and assistance to the AirTAP Steering Committee for matters concerning program development for the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) AirTAP Workshops in partnership with the FAA and the MnDOT Office of Aeronautics.
For our associate members, MCOA provides an opportunity for vendors and exhibitors to be involved on MCOA's committees, and advertise their services to airports at minimal cost.

Types of Membership Available 

There are three types of MCOA memberships available.

Airports – All airports in the state are eligible, from sod strips to seaplane bases
Associate/Corporations – All purveyors of services, airport related or not, are eligible
Individual – Any individual involved with aviation may join MCOA

Invitation to Join 

The benefits of being a member of MCOA far outweigh the minimal membership costs.  To join, contact any MCOA Board member or Mark Knoff at email.   

Airport annual membership dues are based on airport size and level of service while associate and individual memberships are generally fixed fees.

Invitation to Join 


The benefits of being a member of MCOA far outweigh the minimal membership costs.  To join, contact any MCOA Board member or Mark Knoff at email.   

Airport annual membership dues are based on airport size and level of service while associate and individual memberships are generally fixed fees.


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2024-2025 Membership Rates

2024 Membership is from May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025.

Airports, key airports with scheduled commercial service | $250

Airports, key airports without commercial service | $150

Airports, intermediate airports | $150

Airports, landing strips and sod airports | $50

Associates or individuals | $100

Associates with Advertisement | $200

644 Bayfield Street, Suite 120
St. Paul, MN 55107