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New Grant Process


Hello Airport Sponsors and other Partners,


We have a couple of changes with regard to processes for Airport Grant processes.  


First, with regard to Credit Applications for requesting grant reimbursements, we are requiring one of the following to document the proof of payment for grant reimbursed expenses:  a Bank Statement, an applicable page of an Account ledger, or the front and back of a cancelled (processed) check.  We do realize that most of you are already supplying one of these forms of proof of payment.


Second, there is a change in the process for the submittal of Grant Applications for Federal Grants.  For ALL Federal programs we are requiring the airport sponsors to follow this process regardless of federal program bulleted below.  This is to ensure all 424’s are signed by Airport Sponsors and MnDOT before application are sent to FAA and there is consistency in the process regardless of Federal program.

  • Airport Sponsor fills out the Federal Application (SF-424)
  • Airport Sponsor signs the application and sends it to the MnDOT Office of Aeronautics, along with a grant request
  • MnDOT reviews and signs the Federal Application 
  • MnDOT sends the application to the FAA


Please begin using this new process starting with this notification.  If you have already sent in an AIP grant request without an SF-424 for this coming round of Federal Grants, MnDOT will complete the application as with the previous process.  


The Grant Application SF-424 with dual signatures is attached.

Fed Grant Application - SF 424

644 Bayfield Street, Suite 120
St. Paul, MN 55107